【同义词辨析】 2018-11-14 受挫frustrate-outwit

frustrate: implies making vain or ineffectual all efforts, however vigorous or persistent: ~d all attempts at government reform.   vigorous活力,表示能够不间断的活动undiminished capacity for activity, 如still vigorous and sharp in her seventieth year70岁时仍思维敏锐有活力

thwart: suggests a frustrating or checking by deliberately crossing or opposing one making headway: the park department is ~ed by public indifference to littering.     (check阻碍前进, to impede a progress, activity, 如deep mud checked our progress泥巴很深,阻碍了我们前进)   (cross反对,to oppose, 如if you ever cross him, forget it, you're finished如果你跟他作对过,就别想了,你没戏了)  (to make headway取得进展,如we are making little headway with the negotiations我们的谈判进展缓慢

foil: implies a checking or defeating so as to discourage further effort: her parents ~ed my efforts to see her.

baffle: implies a frustrating by confusing or puzzling: ~d by the maze of rules and regulations. confuse分不清混淆to fail to distinguish two things,如confuse moral and political issues混淆道德和政治议题)  (puzzle不解,解决不了to present problems hard to solve, 如a persistent fever that puzzled the doctor持续发烧让医生不解

balk: suggests the interposing of obstacles or hindrances: legal restrictions ~ed police efforts to control crime. (interpose放置阻碍障碍to put something that delays or obstructs,如rules that interpose barriers between children and creativity这些规则阻碍了孩子的创造力) hinder阻碍干扰to delay or interfere, 如the rain hindered our climbing下雨阻碍了我们爬山)

circumvent: implies a frustrating by means of a particular stratagem: ~ed the law by finding loopholes. 漏洞 stratagem诡计计谋手段,骗人或躲避的伎俩a plan or trick to deceive or evade, 如price discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to attract customers折扣是吸引顾客的竞争手段。该词多用于贬义,不要和战略策略strategy混淆,战略策略指如何投入力量使用资源)

outwit: suggests craft and cunning in frustrating or circumventing: the rebels ~ted the army repeatedly.    (craft机智或诡计计谋clever and subtle method不一定贬义,如the political doctrine of Machiavelli denies the relevance of morality in political affairs and holds that craft and deceit are justified in pursuing and maintaining political power马基雅维利的政治理论认为,政治活动与道德有关,为了追求和维护政权, 使用诡计和欺骗是完全正当的,又如a crafty trial lawyer一个机智的庭审律师)  (cunning和craft同意,如relentless cunning in her pursuit of the governorship为了当州长使用计谋。cunning还可表示善于执行创造,如a novel written with great cunning一本写作巧妙的小说)

frustrate使受挫: 表示使所有努力徒劳无效,thwart阻止: 指反对阻碍前进,foil挫败: 表示使其放弃努力,baffle困惑: 使迷惑不解,balk阻碍: 设置阻碍障碍,circumvent规避钻营: 通过手段计谋,outwit以智取胜: 使用机智技巧计谋

记忆方法: 1)首字母FTFBBCO,TOFF想成托福BCB想成不曾报, 不曾报托福==>找工作受挫

         2)受挫的意思是阻碍挫败他人愿望计划目标mean to check or defeat another's desire, plan, or goal.